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22 weeks pregnant: Tips and nutrition

Your baby’s eye colour is developing now, but even if they’re born with blue eyes it can take months after birth for their true colour to appear.

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    Your little one could be born blue-eyed but don’t get too excited just yet, their permanent eye colour is not apparent until a few weeks or even months later. Keep an eye on your posture – sit and stand as straight as possible, it’s a good idea to try pregnancy Pilates. Carbohydrates release energy into the body more slowly so help reduce pregnancy sugar cravings. Weight gain in pregnancy varies from one woman to the next, however the majority of the maternal weight gain happens from week 20 onwards. For more tips and advice read more on what to expect at 22 weeks pregnant.

    What happens at 22 weeks pregnant?

    Your baby at 22 weeks pregnant is now the size of the cutest ever bell pepper. So, when does baby’s eye colour change? Well it’s probably about now as the irises are starting to develop pigmentation. Like many newborns your little one could be born blue-eyed but don’t get too excited just yet their permanent eye colour is not apparent until a few weeks or even months later. It’s not just eye colour that’s developing, baby’s vision is getting stronger by the day too.

    Baby keeps their eyelids well and truly shut for now, but they’ll still be sensitive to bright lights from the outside world. If you find yourself in a brightly lit area you may find that your baby moves in response to avoid the bright light.

    After all those weeks floating in your tummy, baby’s skin looks quite wrinkled, but it’s much less transparent than it has been. Baby’s gums are already developing tooth buds, ready for the first teeth to come through months after birth, but let’s not worry about teething just yet!

    What happens to your body at 22 weeks pregnant?

    As baby grows heavier and your baby bump at 22 weeks pregnant is getting lovely and big, your back will start to feel the strain. So, it’s important to keep an eye on your posture – sit and stand as straight as possible. Practice by trying to balance a book on your head, it’s an old trick but it works! Try not to let your pelvis tip forward as you walk or stand. If you’re sitting for a long time, put a small cushion behind your back to support your upright posture. Your back will thank you later, trust us.

    It’s a good idea to try pregnancy Pilates. This low-impact exercise focuses on posture alignment and could help minimise your back, shoulder and hip aches.


    What to eat at 22 weeks pregnant?

    There are plusses and minuses to pregnancy, and carbs are definitely one of the plusses. Carbs in starchy foods like bread, potatoes, pasta, rice and quinoa are all great sources of energy, vitamins and fibre. They fill you up without piling on the pounds, unless you fry potatoes into chips of course – not quite so healthy!

    Carbohydrates which release energy into the body more slowly (such as wholegrain breads and cereals) are great for controlling sugar cravings during pregnancy and will help you feel fuller for longer. They’re also an excellent source of energy, which is handy when you’re growing an entire little person in your tummy! Read more on healthy nutrition during pregnancy.

    If you’ve been advised to control your weight, keep an eye on portion sizes and avoid using lots of fat or buttery sauces. It’s worth thinking about wholegrain options too as these are healthier for you and baby.

    What are the symptoms of 22 weeks pregnant?

    Week 22 pregnancy symptoms can include nosebleeds. Unfortunately, nosebleeds can occur more often during pregnancy. The nosebleeds are caused by pregnancy hormones and increased blood volume during pregnancy which can cause the small blood vessels in your nose to expand and break. Blood may flow from one or both nostrils and can be heavy or quite light. It can also last from about a minute to 10 minutes.

    Although it is not very pleasant try not to be alarmed. To stop the nosebleed, sit down and firmly pinch the soft part of your nose just above the nostrils for about 10 to 15 minutes. Lean forward and breathe through your mouth. This will help stop the blood from going down the back of your throat. You can also apply cold to the bridge of your nose to constrict the blood vessels and slow the bleeding, either use a covered ice pack or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a tea towel. If the bleeding doesn’t stop after 15 minutes call your GP or midwife urgently. Avoid doing anything strenuous for at least 24 hours.

    How much weight should you gain during pregnancy?

    Weight gain in pregnancy is a minefield. What’s too much and what’s too little? It’s hard to get the balance right but try not to compare yourself with others, as mums gain weight at different rates and what is healthy weight gain for one may not be for all. The best way to know if you’re on the right track is to talk to your midwife or GP.

    It’s not just your belly that could be growing. Those peep toes might be feeling more like squeeze toes. Why? You guessed it, our favourite hormone Relaxin. It not only loosens your pelvis it also relaxes your foot ligaments which makes the bones spread out slightly and suddenly you’re a shoe size bigger. Don’t sell those Jimmy Choos just yet though because many women go back to their original shoe size after birth.


    21 weeks pregnant: Tips and nutrition

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