
Eating for two? Sorry, those 200 extra calories a day aren’t needed until the third trimester. Eating healthy though is the key. Potato sandwiches. Pineapple and pickles. Or just oranges. Not all cravings during pregnancy are weird. Snacking is good though as long as they are healthy snacks such as houmous and pitta, nuts and raisins – Chocolate, not so much. Read more on what to expect at 9 weeks pregnant.

What happens at 9 weeks pregnant?

This is a week of baby development milestones as there’s only one more week left of being an embryo before moving on to become a proper little foetus. With all their main body parts formed, they’re starting to look more baby-like too. Arms and legs are growing, elbows are forming, and tiny fingers and toes are taking shape.

Baby’s growing their first muscles and moving spontaneously - but you won’t be feeling baby kicks for a few weeks yet. The baby’s eye development is coming along nicely too as their optic nerve is almost developed.

What to expect in 9 weeks of pregnancy?

Are you turning your nose up at your favourite perfume or giving your local butchers the cold shoulder? And that pregnancy cliché about craving pickles? Perhaps it’s not a cliché. Your topsy-turvy senses are all down to pregnancy hormones.

You could be feeling the burn around now too, heartburn that is. It often goes hand in hand with bloating in pregnancy. Changes to your diet can help in the long run and speak to your GP, pharmacist or midwife for advice.


What to eat at 9 weeks pregnant?

Feeling more peckish these days? Well, you are eating for two – except you’re not, yet. Those extra 200 calories a day aren’t needed until the third trimester. Of course, if you’re having twins or triplets that’s a different story – ask your midwife about your daily intake.

Many women find eating little and often is the best way to maintain a healthy pregnancy diet. The temptation to grab a cheeky pack of crisps or a chocolate bar (or three) could rocket your calorie intake, so it’s good to stock up on healthy snacks like low-fat, lower-sugar fruit yoghurt, plain yoghurt or fromage frais with fruit. You could also add ready-to-eat apricots, figs or prunes to the yogurt.

What are the symptoms of 9 weeks pregnant?

You might find your week 9 pregnancy symptoms are quite intense. This is due to the pregnancy hormone hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin) which reaches its peak about now. Sadly this means pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, mood swings and fatigue could be a bit more intense this week so make sure you take care of yourself. On the plus side it is a very positive sign that your pregnancy is on track, and pregnancy hormones play a crucial role in keeping the foetus happy and snug.

What happens at first midwife appointment?

When your first midwife appointment happens, you’ll be handed a big folder full of new terms and unfamiliar acronyms. Welcome to your maternity notes. You’ll be asked to bring them to each visit where they’ll be updated. They’ll log all sorts of readings and measurements for you and baby. Our handy guide might help with understanding your maternity notes.

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